Level 3

Practitioners Considerations

– Understand the professions ethical principles and their relevance to practice.
– Recognise the impact that personal values and attitudes have on their relationships with others.
– Understand the importance of seeking the views of service uses.
– Recognise individual’s rights to autonomy, self-determination and promote their participation in decision making wherever possible.
– Recognise that acting in accordance with social work values that it can bring practitioners into conflict with service users.
– Identify and manage potentially conflicting values and ethical dilemmas but take account any legislation when reaching decisions.
– Protect the privacy of individuals within and outside of the family network while recognising the requirements of professional accountability and information sharing.
– Demonstrate confident application of ethical reasoning to professional practice, rights and entitlements, questioning and challenging others using legal and human rights framework
– Help others by providing guidance and support to analyse, reflect on and work with ethical dilemmas.
– Demonstrate skills relating to issues of privacy and information sharing in complex or risky situations, offering support and guidance to colleagues when managing such dilemmas.
– Contribute to the evaluation and development of human rights and ethical principles that underpin organisational governance.
– Provide expert professional opinion where there are ethical dilemmas.
– Model, identify and promote best practice, policy, procedures and training about confidentiality, informed by current evidence. Ensure data protection and safeguarding legislation is applied, and undertake appropriate action if necessary.

Further Information can be obtained through:

Code of Ethics 
British Association of Social Workers (BASW) updated the Code of Ethics in 2014


This link was checked on 16th May 2020

Professional Standards

Social Work England

This link was checked on 16th May 2020

Duty of Care
Unison Trade Union www.unison.org.uk
Unison have produced a (Duty of Care) handbook 

This link was checked on 16th May 2020