Level 3

Structured Communication Example

A type of structured inquiry framework like the following could be used when conducting an interview.


Introduce yourself
Identify the reason for the communication
Reason = (Task, Subject, Situation, Problem, Concern)

Talk about the topic

Explain the reason
     Outline the circumstances for the communication
     Gather information
               Observations, research, experimentation, etc.
               Explore the topic by creating the questions
               Use – What, Who, Why, How, Where, When.
               Determine what’s already known and what’s needed to be known.
     Formulate an explanation of the evidence or circumstances
               Assess, analyse, interpret, outline possible explanations
     Connect the explanation to the purpose and create predictions
               So, I think what you are saying is (Confirmation Inquiry)
Note:    Also see (Skills > Assessment) for ways of gathering information and analysing data.

Consider the best way to proceed

Should anything be changed?
What is wanted?
Is there justification for further involvement?

Try to convert these ideas and suggestions into a way forward?

What is needed to move things forward?

When is the best time to start?

What should be done first, then second etc?