Level 3

What is Causing the Stress

Choose from the list below and rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the strongest.  Identify the ones with the strongest ratings and consider whether anything can be done to lower their score and reduce the stress.  Stress has a cumulative effect so anyone who is experiencing multiple problematic situations from different areas of their lives, are more likely to be affected by higher levels of stress.

Insufficient time
Complexity of task
Pressure to achieve very high standards
High levels of frustration
Insufficient resources
Disrupted or chaotic environment
Excessive demands or task overload
Not allowed to make decisions
Lack of control
Lack of clarity regarding what is required
Continuous criticism
Doing stressful work involving conflicts
Relationship or behaviour difficulties
Argumentative, threatening or violent environment 
Unresolved problems piling up
Fear of failure or success
Communication difficulties
Disagreements or conflicts with people 
Multiple problematic situations in the person’s life