Level 3

Plan Interventions

It’s recommended that Students and First Year social workers learn how to assess, plan, implement and review effective interventions with the client.

Step 1: Establish the purpose of the intervention.
The purpose determines the goals.
Analyse the information and focus on the client’s needs.
Consider the risk factors.
Decide what needs to be done based on the assessment.
Discuss the situation with the client and supervisor.

Step 2: Determine the goal.
Identify the objective and desired outcomes to be achieved which should involve the client, but this may not always be appropriate.
Decide the on what to target.
Goals and desired outcomes should be realistic and beneficial to the client.
They should be achievable within a reasonable time span.
Be measured and progress reviewed at a later stage.
Support decisions with rationale.

Step 3: Find the method of intervention.
Ensure the intervention is compatible with the client’s capabilities.
It focuses on reducing or resolving the difficulty.
Considers risk factors.
Outline the intervention.

Step 4: Set out a plan which shows a pathway to achieve the goal.
It focuses on (what, who, when, where, and how) that certain actions will be performed.
Decide what should be done first, second and so on.
Actions to be taken by the client and the date of completion.
Actions to be taken by significant others (family) and the date of completion.
Actions to be taken by the social worker and the date of completion.
Actions to be taken by other professionals and the date of completion.

Document – Write down the plan, the goals the desired outcomes and the client’s responses.
Calculated risks.
This informs the client’s and other professionals and maintain consistency.
Sign and date the plan – this demonstrates accountability.
Provide a copy to the client.

Step 5: Identify resources required.
Obtain resources.
Is any support required?

Step 6: Implement the intervention.
Ensure the treatment plan is progressing.
Monitor and review progress and outcomes.
Evaluations look at the effectiveness, progress, draws conclusions about continuing.
Intervention strategy or change it in response to the client’s needs.

For further guidance use the Casework System located on the Home page.