Level 3

General Philosophical Information

Part of social work is to consider the client’s philological or spiritual welfare which in broad terms are aspects relating to their belief system which could include religion, peace of mind, feelings of reconciliation, mental health issues, questioning the meaning of life, justifying their existence, harmony between their self and the outside world, and solace in times of great distress or sadness.

Philological or Spiritual welfare can be of particular importance to people who:
– Have suffered a trauma.
– Have been diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition.
– Have mental health issues.
– Have experienced a war zone.
– Are facing end of life circumstances.
– Have suffered an injustice
– Plus others

These types of events often cause a disturbance in a person’s entire belief system as it pervades their thinking and tests and challenges their core values. As social workers receive little or no training in this area, it’s worth keeping in mind that it’s about the client belief system, not the practitioners. Therefore,
1 Take your cues from the client.
2 Facilitate communication
3 Reflect an acceptance of their beliefs.
4 Support the client’s wishes.
5 Facilitate the client’s wishes.
6 Consider whether the client’s needs are compatible with their beliefs.